Motorsport promotion for women and youth

Young drivers under 18 years of age plus all ladies are being invited to an Eastern Southland Car Club promotion near Balclutha on Saturday.

The promotion will take the form of a Grass Autocross, a fun event in which entrants can use their road cars or any car of warrant of fitness standard using road tyres. Entry is free and the club will have both a manual and an automatic car available for loan to anyone who requires a vehicle.

The event will be held on the property of well known club member Barry Mills on Te Houka Road and will be signposted from State Highway 1 south of Balclutha. The event is a joint promotion of the Eastern Southland Car Club, Motorsport New Zealand, Youth In Motorsport and Women In Motorsport. As there will be room for just 80 entries booking a spot is strongly advised – contact Roger Laird phone/fax 03 208 5247 or 0274 368 876 or via email [email protected] . If a loan car is required please make that clear when you book. If you book and later find you cannot attend please let the club know as soon as possible.

Scrutineering and documentation will begin at 10am on the day with a drivers briefing preceding the start at 11.45am.

There are certain safety standards. Twelve to sixteen year old’s require a signed consent form from a parent or guardian (which can be done on the entry form on the Eastern Southland Car Club facebook page). Civil Drivers licence holders must not have currently lost their licence in the courts and completely covered in footwear is required. A minimum of cotton overalls and an approved helmet is also required which the club can provide for those who do not have any available.

Roger Laird of the Eastern Southland Car Club say’s, “come along and have a go. It will be a truckload of fun. We already have a number of under 18-year-old’s and ladies competing in our Clubsport Basic events and there sure is room for more. Tell your friends about this opportunity, come along, have some laughs, feel what happens when a car slides in a controlled environment and you may just get hooked on these cool events and learn a bit to help you on the road at the same time. This will be great fun and good learning for both ladies and young drivers. The club ran a similar promotion for ladies in March and it was a great success with forty ladies turning up and enjoying the day.”

The event will be split into four different classes – under 18 year old males, under 18 year old females (as at 1 June 2015), one for first timers or those with limited competition experience plus one for anyone else. The day should wrap up by around 5.30pm after which there will be a lighthearted prizegiving at the Rosebank Lodge in Balclutha.

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