Club proves it’s worth

The opening round of the Southland Sports Car Club’s annual Clubsport Championship at Teretonga Park recently proved the worth of the club’s new club car.

The championship and the Toyota Levin club car are both supported by Evolution Motorsport and the club is making the car available to competitors at each round (by prior arrangement).

At the opening round, siblings Kara and Liam Donaghy shared the car and both thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Kara is a 19-year-old pre-trades electrical student at SIT and had never driven a manual until the day while 16-year-old Liam is a year 11 student at James Hargest College. Upon hearing of the opportunity to compete in a car provided by the sponsor and the club, the duo took the opportunity to experience entry level motorsport.

Kara arrived knowing the motorkhana event was a time trial around cones and left confident that it had improved her skill level. Quickly overcoming the bunny hopping of the manual she rated the experience very beneficial saying the car was “way easier” than others she has driven. “I wasn’t expecting that, it was better than a video game. The people (competitors and officials) were helpful and reassuring and gave good tips.” Sharing the car with her brother meant they were helping each other but were competitive at the same time. “I wanted to be competitive and supportive and win! I would recommend it to all teenagers,” said Kara.

Liam said the morning spent competing in the car was ‘was pretty snazzy, the car shifts pretty good. There were three different types of motorkhana. I came here intrigued, hyped up and excited. It definitely helped my skills and each time I went out it built on that skill. It was a great environment and good atmosphere. You are really competing against yourself. It is safe.” He was also impressed by his sister’s perserverance in her first manual driving experience.

The pair’s mother said the opportunity to take part came about because “there was a vehicle to rent rather than relying on their everyday vehicle.” The entry fee for the Motorkhana was just $20 each while the Evolution Motorsport Toyota has an additional fee of $20 to cover costs but there is no cheaper way to get into motorsport.

The next round of the championship takes place this Sunday, 23 September, and the Toyota will be available again for anyone who would like to use it. Spots in the car are limited at each round so contact Stacy Lines – Clubsport Co-ordinator at 027 507 6452 or [email protected] who is also able to provide information on any aspect of clubsport.

Clubsport is entry level motorsport consisting of events such as motorkhanas and autocross. A motorkhana is a tight course around cones that particularly suits small, nimble cars. Competitors tackle three different challenges and get three runs at each. Autocross sees cars make a run of approximately one to two minutes against the clock. Competitors get an indian file familiarisation run before getting three or four timed runs to try and achieve their fastest time. Competitors in the Autocross require a fire extinguisher, overalls and a helmet although helmets can be hired from the club on the day. Cars for both events must be of Warrant Of Fitness standard.

New competitors are most welcome and those who are not club members are able to contest two events to decide if they wish to continue before joining the Southland Sports Car Club.

Clubsport is a cheap, fun and welcoming environment in which to become involved in motorsport so contact the club if you have any questions.

The Evolution Motorsport Clubsport Championship will be contested over six rounds this season:


Round 1: Sunday 19 August 2018
Round 2: Sunday 23 August 2018
Round 3: Thursday 25 October 2018 (Motorkhana Only)
Round 3: Sunday 28 October 2018 (Autocross Only)
Round 4: Sunday 18 November 2018
Round 5: Thursday 31 January 2019 (Motorkhana Only)
Round 5: Sunday 3 February 2019 (Autocross Only)
Round 6: Sunday 3 March 2019

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