Liam MacDonald of Invercargill was presented with the Southland Sports Car Club Champions Trophy for the eleventh time at the club’s 2023/2024 prizegiving at Teretonga Park on Monday night.
MacDonald won his first Club Championship in 2013 and since then has won it every year apart from 2017.
In the recently completed season MacDonald won the Keith McFadzien Trophy for the Motorkhana Championship from Josh Cooper and Stacy Lines, the SSCC Speed Trophy for the Sprint Championship from Cooper and Craig Allan. He also won the Stresscrete 1601cc & over Speed Trophy in ClubSport and took the Warren Robbie Memorial Trophy for winning the overall ClubSport Championship from Cooper and Allan. He was also runner-up in the overall Race Championship, his season’s results giving him his eleventh Club Championship.

Josh Cooper of Invercargill was the runner-up in the Club Championship after a season in which he won the Nebulite Windows & Doors 1301-1600cc Race Championship and the Discount Tyres 0-1600cc Speed Trophy. He was also runner-up in the Motorkhana Championship, the Sprint Championship and the ClubSport Championship.
Jordan Michels was awarded the Noel McIntyre Trophy for winning the Race Championship from MacDonald and Kieran Roberts. Michels also won the Flying Farewell Championship from Nieko Scoles and Boyd Wilson and the 2501cc & over class from Roberts and Ian McKenzie.

Scoles, last season’s Novice Driver of The Year, also took the Maxis Projects Trophy for the 1601-2500cc race class from Dayle Kirby and Jeremy Skeggs.
Cindy Cooper won the Ladies Trophy for the third year in succession as she continues to be ultra- competitive in the Clubsport Championship while her nephew Blake Cooper was the club’s Junior Driver of the Year winning the SSCC Ladies Committee Trophy after recording some outstanding results for a young driver in an old car.
Brian Kelly took the Macks Panel & Paint Trophy for Marshall Of The Year while Roger Laird was accorded the Distinguished Service Award for many years of work in many areas of the club, all the while travelling to Teretonga Park from Gore to carry out his duties.

Alex Crosbie was acknowledged for his successful debut in the hotly contested Castrol Toyota Formula Regional Oceania Championship and Brendon Leitch for his efforts around the world including winning the Lamborghini Super Trofeo Europe Championship, finishing third in Lamborghini World Finals and attaining Lamborghini Professional Driver status and FIA Silver Status.